Connect Groups
As the crises worsens, the government has brought in even tighter restrictions for social gatherings, including the recent call for visitors to be kept to an absolute minimum in people's homes, i.e. one person! (You can read here for more details.) As such, the senior leadership team has decided that we need to cease meeting for the time being as Connect Groups. Families and households can obviously keep meeting in person. However, we will need to think of ever more creative ways to support each other spiritually through our small group ministry. We'd love your ideas about possible ways to do this. But for the moment, here are some ideas that immediately come to mind:
Meet online through free video conferencing apps like Zoom (see below) or Teams.
Set up a WhatsApp group for discussion and prayer.
Break the group into pairs, who catch up over the phone each week, to discuss the passage (possibly as a 'one minute Bible study') and pray for each other.
Work individually through the study and pray for other members of the group - but do it at the same regular time each week. So while you're not in the same space physically, you are in the same space spiritually. (You could email or text prayer points between the weekly 'group' time.)
Ignition Youth
Along with the Ignition Youth Instagram page, the Youth team will also be using this Facebook page (link below) to share news and resources for the teenagers. This will include a 6 part devotional titled "Jesus Above Everything" designed by Lachie. Part 1 was posted on Monday the 30th of March, with part two posted yesterday, Wednesday the 1st of April. This Facebook page is open to parents and teens.
Instagram: Ignitiony
Facebook: Ignition Youth: All Saints Network
Biblical Resources
If you don't have a study guide for the current sermon series on Acts 11-13, you can grab a physical copy from the Parish Centre (9am - 1pm, weekdays). Alternatively, you can download a digital copy here.