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Find a quiet space to sit and enjoy the service. We encourage you to participate by singing along to our worship songs, sharing our prayers, and connecting with others in your community afterwards to discuss the sermon.

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This week’s reading is from Luke 23:26-49

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This song is called Thief and is written by Third Day from the perspective of one of the thieves raised up on a cross beside Jesus. This man understood that Jesus was the Messiah and Jesus did not deserve to be on crucified beside them, the guilty ones. Even more importantly, this man understood that Jesus had the power to save him. One of my favourite moments in the entire bible is when Jesus, bleeding, dying, turns to the man on the cross beside him, and says “Don’t worry, I will [remember you]. Today you will be with me in paradise”. Wow! The love expressed in this exquisite promise! And the hope the thief must have felt! That hope is the same hope we have today. Thank you, dear Jesus.


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