Get comfortable!

Find a quiet space to sit and enjoy the service. We encourage you to participate by singing along to our worship songs, sharing our prayers, and connecting with others in your community afterwards to discuss the sermon.

Click play to get started.


Watching with kids?

Click below for this week’s kid’s talk!


This week’s reading is from Luke 24:13-35

Click below to watch.


Before Holy Communion, take a moment to reflect on the sermon.

What are you thankful for?

What do you need to bring before God?


Are you in need of prayer? Let us know!

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Thanks for joining us!

If your ability to financially support All Saints changes in this time, we completely understand that this may mean you will temporarily stop giving. However, if you are still able to give in the coming weeks, we humbly ask you to continue to do so. Our electronic giving details via direct debit are as follows:

    CBA BSB: 067-600
    Account Number: 00139358


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