Life in the margins series introduction
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Study 3 - Life with limits (2 Corinthians 4)
Week 4
Study 4 - Space for interruptions (Luke 10)
Week 5
Study 5 - The Delight of the Sabbath (Luke 6)
Article: Sabbath: An Enduring Principle For the Soul by Justin Huffman
Week 6
Study 6 - Margin in expectations (Matthew 10)
Week 7
Study 7 - What matters that’s missing (Philippians 4)
Week 8
Study 8 - Making space for what matters (1 John 4 & 1 Corinthians 13)
Reading up on rest:
If you want to dig a little deeper into the problem of restlessness and our need for rest in Jesus, have a read of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer - available in paperback or as an ebook from Koorong (you can download the first sample chapter here or subscribe to the author’s newsletter here to receive the first two chapters free)
Practicing rest:
If you want some help in practicing rest in your life, download John Mark Comer’s companion guide, How to Un-Hurry, from his blog and watch the videos below, which outline some very simple exercises to help bring these four spiritual disciplines into your life: (1) Silence & Solitude, (2) Sabbath, (3) Simplicity, and (4) Slowing.