2024 PLANS

  • Tuesday 23 July - Pub Games | 6pm | Longford Bowls Club - RSVP here

  • Smoked Meat Event | September TBA

  • 8-9 November - Tasmanian Men’s Convention | The Road Less Travelled
    (the Sermon on the Mount) | Speaker: Mike Raiter | Poatina - see below

Our ever-popular Pub Games event is back. RSVP now to reserve your place.

  • Date: Tuesday 23 July

  • Time: 6pm

  • Venue: Longford Bowls Club, 3 Archer St Longfrod

  • RSVP here, by 18 July, or to the office | 6331 4896

  • Cost: $40

2024 TASMANIAN MEN’S CONVENTION | The Road Less Travelled

Join Christian men from around the state and across denominations to be equipped, enabled, and encouraged, as Mike Raiter (Director of the Centre for Biblical Preaching) speaks to us about the The Road Less Travelled looking at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

  • Start time: 2pm, Friday 10 November

  • Finish time: 3:30pm, Saturday 11 November

  • Location: Poatina Chalet (Poatina Road, Poatina)

  • Speaker: Mike Raiter is an internationally-recognised Christian speaker and author, beginning his career as a teacher, before studying at Moore Theological College, and later becoming the principal of Melbourne School of Theology. He is now the Director of the Centre for Biblical Preaching, which aims to train and equip churches in expository preaching around the world.

  • Activities: There will be free time for some fun activities on both the Friday and Saturday, e.g. cycling, mountain biking, bush walking, clay-pigeon shooting, golf, kayaking, fishing.

  • For more info, costs, and booking details head to the convention website:

To find out more please fill in the contact form below: